Crossover symmetry workout chart baseball
Crossover symmetry workout chart baseball

crossover symmetry workout chart baseball

Instability allows the ball to ride over or through the labral barrier which is associated with pain and apprehension (athlete fearful of imminent shoulder dislocation). If a labrum tear occurs, the ligaments of the shoulder may no longer function properly making the ball and socket joint unstable. The labrum is attached to the socket and the shoulder ligaments (capsule), which make up the static stabilizers. Not all tears require surgical intervention, however, if a tear does not respond to conservative measures in rehab, orthopedic sports medicine surgeons can repair a tear anywhere along the 360 degree circumference of the labrum successfully. The labrum acts like a buttress or barrier to hold the ball in the socket, a small tear of the labrum disrupts the static stability which allows the ball to move excessively. The dynamic stabilizers in the ball and socket shoulder joint are the rotator cuff muscles. Static stabilizing structures (non-elastic) in the ball and socket shoulder joint are the capsule and labrum. JM: In order to adequately answer what a small labral tear indicates, I need to discuss stability both static and dynamic. What does a small labral tear indicate? Does it matter where the tear is?

crossover symmetry workout chart baseball

Due to the shallowness of the glenoid (socket), the labrum deepens the cup of the glenoid, which adds stability and acts like the lips of a plunger creating suction to maintain the positional relationship with the humeral head (ball). The labrum is a cartilaginous gasket that connects the 360 degrees circumference of the rim of the shoulder socket. In medical terms, the socket is referred to as the glenoid and the ball, the humeral head. Of the four joints that make up the shoulder complex the most discussed and researched is the ball and socket. JM: The shoulder consists of three bones: the scapula, humerus, and clavicle also known as the shoulder blade, upper arm and collarbone respectively. Shoulder Basics Can you describe where the labrum is and what the labrum does for the shoulder? Indians head athletic trainer James Quinlan noted Brantley would not be able to swing a bat for four months. As a result of the surgery on his non-throwing shoulder, Brantley is not expected to be ready for game activities for five-to-six months. Craig Morgan on November 9 to repair a small labral tear. Michael Brantley had arthroscopic right shoulder surgery performed by Dr. Here is a summary of what the Cleveland Indians have released about the injury to Michael Brantley: Neither WFNY nor Jim Moran PT has direct knowledge of the exact details of Michael Brantley’s individual medical records or specific rehabilitation plan. Please note the conversation with Jim Moran PT is in regards to a typical rehabilitation plan. Jim Moran PT was gracious enough to answer questions pertaining to a typical rehabilitation schedule from shoulder surgery. Over a decade of research has gone into their systems as they constantly evolve to improve upon shoulder health and maintenance. Last Spring, Moran worked with the Indians training staff on the concepts and application of Crossover symmetry techniques. The initial program was piloted by the Colorado Rockies in 2006 and has since been adopted by over half of MLB teams, along with utilization among several teams in the NFL, NBA and NHL, and about 70% of NCAA Division-1 schools.

crossover symmetry workout chart baseball

Crossover Symmetry is a company that creates medically designed rotator cuff and scapular strengthening systems engineered to enhance shoulder health and performance.

crossover symmetry workout chart baseball

Jim Moran PT is a physical therapist with over 20 years of specialty in the shoulder who co-founded Crossover Symmetry. So, rather than rely on team statements for all of the information, WFNY called upon shoulder-specialist Jim Moran PT 1 from Crossover Symmetry to fill in the details about a typical rehabilitation for a baseball player from shoulder surgery. Michael Brantley had surgery on his shoulder at the beginning of November and while the Indians have been consistent in their message about him returning to play in around six months, there has been some question about that time-frame elsewhere.

Crossover symmetry workout chart baseball